Category Archives: My Angel…your REAL Life Story [Book]

A Christmas Wish…

The holly jolly chorus of children’s’ laughter
Your gleeful giggles of festive excitement
And the sound of happiness when you open your gifts…

…If only I could hear it

Your eyes glisten in amazement
As you sit with Santa – Promising you’ve been a good girl
– You ARE an angel, always [my beautiful daughter]…

…If only I could tell him

The sound of your tiny feet pitter-pattering
Eyes wide and starry, when you open your presents
The pricesless look on your precious face Christmas Morning…

…If only I could be there

The rustling of wrapping paper is deafening
Resonating through my ear drums & Echoing through my head
As endless possibilities replay in my mind…

– What If ?

All I can do is imagine the sound of your laughter,
Your Giggles
As I try to envision the happiness on your face

Will your face light up for Santa,
Or will you just see a fat man in a red suit?
Are they really true-life elves,
Or just little people trying to make ends meet?

– I will not know what you are thinking

Will you run downstairs to the gifts under the tree?
I can ALMOST hear your feet
( – Or is it my tap dripping?)

I never saw your letter to Santa…
…Maybe next year…

All I Want for Christmas is YOU

(Originally Written) December 2nd, 2011

“For My Darling Angel
Thinking of you ALWAYS,
Loving you forever,
Your (only) Mommy xoxox “
